Last time I wrote about cups... and before that, I wrote about my successful interview. That was over a week ago. I'm really no good at keeping a diligent blog...
Since then, I started making these industrial dome shapes with bolts and cogs and pipes and smokestacks that don't function in any way. I thought about trying to make the cogs functional, but decided against it. Last Thursday was pretty crazy-- my mom was in town and needed me to drive with her down to an auto shop to get her car fixed before I went to class in the morning. On the way back, we stopped at the bookstore to get a new string for my guitar and she bought me some Christmas music to play. I got back a few minutes last for class, and they were already loading the bisque and Megan suggested that I hurry and reglaze my cups-- we put them in the kiln while they were still goopy wet! I had to load my mushroom head sculpture in the bisque really carefully, then I recycled some clay on the wedging table and finished decorating my last two of five domes. By the time I was done with the domes, it was time to go to the dentist. I was supposed to go to work that day as well, but with all the craziness that didn't happen. Oh well. I will just have to do some sculpting to catch up.
I spent the rest of the day after the dentist with my mom shopping. On Friday, things weren't much less crazy. I went to work for a few hours, then there was a guild meeting I had to go to. It was about the holiday sale. They wanted colorful work to be set out to be photographed for the sale poster, and were talking about how to organize the setup in the wheel room for intermediate and lifespan students. We also appointed a secretary and a treasurer. I went back to work until 5pm, and then there was a gallery reception for the undergrad show. I went mostly for the food and to watch other people admiring my drawing. I looked around at other peoples' work and talked to a few friends. I watched a group of ceramic MFAs gathered around my drawing, and a couple of them looked surprised. I guess they probably expected me to have some ceramic work instead. Also, I guess a couple of them didn't even know that I can draw. Later one of the MFAs came up to me and complimented me on the drawing and told me that she didn't know I could draw. It felt good to get a sincere compliment on it from at least one of them. She asked me if I was ready for wood prep on Sunday, and I told her that I signed up for Saturday. She said that it was going to be really really bad weather and that I should think about doing the Sunday shift-- but I told her that I would be firing my first kiln by myself on Sunday instead. She congratulated me on that. The weather turned out to be fine on Saturday and crappy on Sunday... but I don't know why she was trying to convince me to switch.
After the reception, I had this grand plan to make a really big coil pot, and I didn't care how late I would have to stay to work on it. I worked on it from 6pm to almost 11pm. I almost finished it, but the rim was too soft and I didn't have a torch and I didn't really want to use a torch anyway, so I just covered it over night. Wood prep on Saturday went well-- I think we split and loaded about 6 truck-fulls of wood. I loaded some pieces in a friend's salt kiln after prep and then finally went to finish my coil pot-- at least I finished the size. I waited until Sunday to put the finishing touches on it.

My little test kiln was a good experience. It gave me a lot of confidence, and a new direction to try as far as surfaces in gas kilns go. It fired beautifully, all except for one cup that had an evil glaze on it. I am throwing the glaze out ASAP. Everything else was made with red clay and I left the outside surfaces bare and just glazed the interiors of the pots. I love how they turned out. I insisted on firing oxidation because I wanted the red clay to stay red-- and it did! So I'm glad I did.
Red Clay Wasp mug
Red Clay Jug
Red Clay "Brass Knuckle" Teapot
Red Clay Tree Vase
I made some big bowls to imitate the domes because I love the idea of eating out of them :)
Oh, and while I was working and firing my kiln, it was snowing on the people who had the Sunday wood prep shift :) it was sunny on Saturday...
Today I have to go grind off kiln shelves from my evil glaze. Hopefully we can unload the salt kiln so I can have something to look forward to.